Studio 3A is a collaborative endeavor between three architects: Kazuya Katagiri, Luis Lopez Resendez, and Marco Budeus. Their ‘Paper Cloud‘ installation presents a joint exploration of the cultures and practices.
‘Paper Cloud‘ was introduced in the Festival des Architectures Vives in Montpellier, as one of 12 public outside installations. The piece consists of 2000 laminated paper rings and reflects elements of the cultural identities of each architect, specifically Japan, Mexico, and Germany. Katagiri, Resendez, and Budeus constructed the piece simply by slotting the bits of paper together–no glue or nails were used in the process. ‘Paper Cloud‘ presents a drama with ephemerality, contrasting with the weathered walls of this older French courtyard where it is found. This is also brought to focus on the use of color in the setup–as the sunlight changes throughout the daytime, the bright white paper adopts a subtle manifestation of varying color colors.
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