Monday, August 28, 2017

Studio 3A’s ‘Paper Cloud’ Installation Depicts a Mix of Cultures and Practices

Studio 3A is a collaborative endeavor between three architects: Kazuya Katagiri, Luis Lopez Resendez, and Marco Budeus. Their ‘Paper Cloudinstallation presents a joint exploration of the cultures and practices.

Paper Cloud‘ was introduced in the Festival des Architectures Vives in Montpellier, as one of 12 public outside installations. The piece consists of 2000 laminated paper rings and reflects elements of the cultural identities of each architect, specifically Japan, Mexico, and Germany. Katagiri, Resendez, and Budeus constructed the piece simply by slotting the bits of paper together–no glue or nails were used in the process. ‘Paper Cloud‘ presents a drama with ephemerality, contrasting with the weathered walls of this older French courtyard where it is found. This is also brought to focus on the use of color in the setup–as the sunlight changes throughout the daytime, the bright white paper adopts a subtle manifestation of varying color colors.

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BIO Architects Has Designed DD16 House for Extreme Weather Conditions

Ivan Ovchinnikov of BIO architects has created a prototype of a compact modular house that designed for extreme weather conditions. The DD16 house is made up of two modules that are meant to be used by tourists and voyagers wanting to see remote locations. The framework is made of laminated wood with milled ports, while the vents help reduce the weight. Additionally, to help decrease the load of the inside finishing materials, polyurethane foam is used as insulation. The exterior finishing is made of composite aluminum sheets which are a lightweight material that is resistant to the numerous environments.

Although BIO architects’ DD16 home proves to be streamlined, the inner space preserves its homeliness. On account of the extensive glazing and the extraordinary amount of entering the light, the interior region visually increases in dimension. The same principles employed for the construction of the home are utilized for the supplying — weight loss and maximum utilization of space, while concealed markets are used for storage.

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Saturday, August 26, 2017

These Twins Are Taking the High-Fashion by Storm By Embracing Their Rare Genetic Condition

As the fashion evolves, models whose who don’t conventional beauty standards are now finding spots in the limelight. Earlier this year, we met Diandra Forrest, a model with albinism who has helped to redefine beauty with her impressive editorial fashion career. Following in her footsteps are São Paulo-based twins Lara and Mara Bawar. They’re only 11 years old, but they’ve already made waves by embracing their rare genetic condition—something that only 1 in 17,000 children is born with it. Like Forrest, Lara and Mara have done so through high-fashion photography.

The twins’ big debut came thanks to photographer Vinicius Terranova. Through his series called Flores Raras (translated, it means Rare Flowers), he showcased Lara and Mara’s unique attributes. “My point is to analyze how being uncommon is far from being negative,” he writes, “Actually, when you possess a different, therefore rare, trait this feature makes you more beautiful and special, never less. Besides its plea to the power of diversity, it represents the encounter with their sublime beauty.”

The twins are confident in their own skin—something that’s a challenge for any kid their age, no matter how they look. “We feel albinism is pretty,” Lara told Metro, “we love our hair, eye color, and skin tone.” Mara adds, “Growing up like this was amazing, we love being different and are happy with our unique beauty.”

You can follow their burgeoning careers—along with their older sister, Sheila—through Instagram.

h/t Brightside

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