Monday, January 22, 2018

Fascinating Dance Photography On The Historic Streets of Prague by Omar Z. Robles

Photographer Omar Z. Robles is back with a lot of his ongoing dance photography collection, which reflects ballet dancers moving across the streets of cities around the world.

This wasn’t Robles’ first time in the Czech funding; he’d visited more than ten decades ago and returned to find the timeless magnificence of the city had not changed from what he had remembered. The largest difference was inside himself, since this time he had been undergoing the city as a professional photographer.

“While Prague is very beautiful on its own, being able to pay a visit to the city one more time, with another point of view and objective made me appreciate it even more,” Robles shares. “The rhythm, the colors, the textures as well as the smells were all the same, yet I was able to perceive them very uniquely this time around. They had another meaning.”

Putting his dancers on the historical streets of Old Town, anyone who has seen Prague will instantly recognize the iconic Charles Bridge and winding cobblestoned roads which remind us of the city’s rich history. Robles even throws a few breakdancers to the mixture, bringing a sign of hip-hop modernity in between the classical dancers.


With the cold, silvery skies on screen and the dancers dressed and in colors of gray, black, and aubergine, it’s easy to feel the wintery soul that permeates the work. It’s these subtle changes across every location where Robles shoots that pulls out the characteristics of the respective cities, a feat as magnificent as the abilities of the dancers themselves.

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